My Family
God, Wife & Family. My family means everything to me. They definitely keep me busy & young, but I wouldn't trade places with anyone!

Michelle & I were married in the LDS temple in Omaha. No doubt, an unforgettable moment. She's fun, full of energy. Life definitely isn't boring around this out-going person.
Michelle works from home - with her online marketing training workshops. Check her stuff out at http://www.onlinewithmichelle.com/my-story/
She is also a full-time care giver to her mother Delores Jensen, who lives in our Grigsby home. I don't know where she finds the energy to do all she does.

Pete IV

Nyle majored in Psychology at University of Missouri, but ended up following another passion for a career - Animals. Nyle is completing training to be a licensed Dog Groomer & working full time at "Treats Unleashed" in Liberty, MO.
Nyle is also very talented in music - with an incredible singing voice - and played lead trumpet in her High School Nationally-ranked marching band, Jaguar Pride.
Bryan Busby is Nyle's God Father.
Pete Grigsby IV is a University of Central Missouri Grad. with a Music Tech Composition & Sound Engineer Degree. He is already writing, producing, recording music for video games & online videos.
Pete is a talented musician - playing alto saxophone since 6th grade - and plays piano.
His hobbies include Nintendo Video gaming, Pokemon trading card tournaments. He has spent the last several years traveling to Nationals in Pokemon Tournaments.